Wednesday 18 March 2015

Indoor Activities And Their Benefits

We all know pretty much at length about the benefits of outdoor play activities: running, jumping, skipping et al. But with the mercury rising, we need to often perforce keep our kids, especially the little ones, indoors. And boring as it may get for them, it's not only necessary but important to try and teach them some activities which can be done alone and some with another person present.

At The Learning Curve, Vashi; we try and inculcate all sorts of good behavior into the children given in our care. We also encourage a lot of creative expression while they play and learn. More often than not in preschoolers, the creativity comes out while they are engaged in solitary activities; even if it is making mischief.

Here are some of our recommendations for your children:

1) Unless the child in question is an infant or toddler, the molding clay isn't an accessory youhave to withhold from your child. The instructions normally say 3 years and above, but plenty ofmothers find that even with the non-toxic variety of dough, kids either spit it out after an initial taste or eat it with little to no ill-effects.

The advantage of the dough is mainly in it's texture and soft quality and bright colors. It's easy for small hands to shape and turn into familiar and new objects. From snakes to circles to dragons...the dough lends wings to their imagination and also aids in their gross motor movements viz the squeezing and squishing and in their fine motor movements i.e. the shaping and more detail-oriented final product the dough takes in little hands. And with more local players getting into the game, we don't have to worry about buying just the costly foreign molding clays/doughs alone.

2) Washable colors- there are plenty of affordable markers which can be used on glass and the walls and don't limit your child's creativity while limiting your cleaning up and frustration levels.

Drawing is one activity most children take to and use to express their thoughts and feelings when they are unable to articulate it properly and completely.

3) Building Blocks- Not just a toy for little boys, blocks help your child in focusing on specific objects, enhancing their concentration and creating new structures. The blocks also enhance their gross and fine motor movements and give the children a sense of accomplishment when the finish building.

4) Animal figurines- these small to large figurines are made of washable materials and help the children learn all about the world around them. From the cow to even the extinct dinosaurs, the figurines bring out the element of pretend play in our kids and also help demonstrate how much they know or have retained from the various things learnt in school and home.

There are plenty of other toys that can be given to small children that are age-appropriate. But before you rush out to buy anything that isn't in your kid's toy chest, give they options of things already at home. Chances are they've been observing us the way we've been observing them and will end up aping one or the other close family member and show us what their little eyes and ears have picked up!

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