Monday 23 March 2015

Tips For Pool Safety

Most children love water by instinct. They love to splash during bath times, they love to float their toys and paper boats in the water and long story short: kids LOVE water!

But with the mercury rising, cooling off with a dip in a pool isn't the only thing that we parents need to cater to. We need to protect the little ones from the sun, take care of their skin and make sure they're safe in and out of the water at all times.

Here are some recommendations for trips to the pool:

1) If using a public pool, try and go at a time when there are less people thereby giving your child enough time and space to have fun in the water. A lot of kids get scared when they get splashed or dislike it when a whole lot of water is dumped on them; although they love to be the ones who splash others.

2) Remember to use a water-resistant sunscreen for your child unless it's a covered or indoor pool.

Not only do they tan they can often get sun allergies from being out in the hot sun too long.

3) Whether it's a public pool or a shared-by-some pool, the chemicals used to clean the water are not beneficial for tender skin for prolonged periods of time. So a good bath and scrub with warm water and a disinfectant like Savlon or Dettol goes a long way to keep scabs and other skin rashes at bay.

4) Kids need to be hydrated even while in the pool. Keep a bottle handy and make sure your child drinks enough water.

5) Try and keep a gap of about 30 minutes or so between pool time if following a big meal. Kids can either vomit from all the jumping around they do or get cramps in their tummy if they get too active immediately after a meal.

6) Keep the hair covered since the chlorine and other chemicals in the water can lead to hair becoming rough over a point of time.

7) Most important- when a preschooler enters a pool without an adult present, he or she needs a well-secured swimming vest. Arm floats can come off and small children can often slip through the swimming tubes/rings and suddenly panic if they find themselves falling, even in shallow water.

Keep your kids safe while in the pool and out and have a happy, splashy summer!

Image courtesy

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